Sunday, April 1, 2012



 Learning to SLOW DOWN


Starting a blog is not a light undertaking. Because you have to consider, do I want my thoughts made public? Do I want to share with the world all my dirty laundry?

It has really made me stop and think about what's relevant to "put out there."

I'd like what I have to say to be inspiring and uplifting, without sounding like a Pollyanna.

I wake up in the morning and feel motivated to get out of bed. What motivates me? Well, a nice, hot shower, for one thing. I used to love to go out early and run up and down the neighborhood, even up and down hills, but recently I've developed a stress fracture in my left foot, so now I have to forego the running. 

In fact, I have to stay off the foot entirely. Which sent me to the Goodwill store to buy myself a pair of used crutches, so I can still get around a bit, without stressing out my foot any more than necessary. It cost me 7 bucks for the used crutches. A bargain. I actually like having them, because it's forced me to slow down a bit and look at life differently.

For one thing, I've come to realize that I'm not invincible. (I guess I used to think I was.) I'd never had a broken bone before in my life. Now I have this hairline fracture in one of my foot bones. It's from the constant impact from all the running I did. So now I see that I am vulnerable. Maybe running isn't the best idea for me to get my cardiovascular exercise.  After all, even after it heals, it could happen again if I keep on running every day the way I was doing. So I'm thinking, maybe after it heals, (it could take 1-2 months or more. . .), I ought to find some other form of cardio exercise. Maybe power walking, or swimming. 

I don't like swimming very much (because of the chlorinated water), but I have access to a pool so I might take advantage of it.

I spend more time just stepping out my door and sniffing the fresh air. We have a lot of lizards near my doorstep, so I watch them. They teach the lesson of patience. I am learning how to be patient while my foot heals, and being grateful for each beautiful day. Someone once told me, "Enjoy all the moments of your life." I think that is a good philosophy. Something worth repeating every morning, as a reminder that life is fragile and we might only get one go-around.



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